It is now more than ever being echoed in the media about our alarming plastic problem on this planet. On the 5th of June, it was said to be world Environment day. The focus was on oceans and seas.

I read something about ¨WAR ON PLASTIC¨ and I couldn’t help but think about Mother Teresa’s quote:

“I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a PRO-PEACE rally, I'll be there.”

 At Maria Malo we do not fight against plastic, we work towards a HEALTHY CLEAN WORLD. 

My motivation is that our work here might inspire others to walk in these same footsteps. 

The solution is in us, so let’s stop pointing the finger like others need to solve the problem. Let’s act on our own responsibilities towards change.

CONsciously and with COMpassion

Warm wishes,


Maria Malo